
NTSE preparation books free download

NTSE or N.T.S.E. is a very common search term in Google.I came to know this when I was checking my site's rankings in Google.I posted many articles related to this exam on this website.I also posted previous year papers along with many sample papers which was my own collection from the internet.Actually the problem is that the search engines don't show the correct results for the exam's papers and free online books for download.There are many sites which claim to provide the papers and other stuff for the NTSE exam like http://indiastudycenter.com or http://indiastudychannel.com/ These sites are not useful for the preparation.Only some are really providing the papers like the site named I.I.T scholars but even they provide only two or three sample papers and nothing else.No site either had the previous year papers of NTSE or provided free book downloads for the NTSE Exam.On seeing this problem I immediately posted all the papers and the other things I had with me.
Still the problem is that the sites which really have some papers are not shown in the search results and the sites which have only one paper that is the paper provided by NCERT for the students are shown in the results.There are many books for free download and sample papers along with previous year papers on my site.I have given these links to the previous year papers and sample papers here-

  1. Sample Papers Here you can see all the papers present on my site.thee are nearly ten papers on my site for NTSE
  2. Previous year papers-Here is the previous year paper of NTSE.The paper is of 2007 of class 8 but it can be used for all years NTSE preparation as the main syllabus never changes for the exam.
  3. NTSE Class 8 Book- This is the preparation book for the exam.The book's publisher's name is Upkar.This is the most used book for National talent Search Examination
  4. Tata McGraw Hill Book-Now "the most wanted book" by the students is this book which is available for free only on this site.No other site provides this book but then too when a user searches for this book my site is not shown in the results page.This book is the best as 90% of all the scholars selected for the scholarship have prepared from this book.
There is also a class 10 book which is now of no use as now the exam is held only for class 8.

There is also too much stuff on this site for the Interview-the most difficult level.The materials include previous questions asked to the students,tips,experience of other students and much more.