
I am the topper

Today I got my most awaited certificate.I got my certificate for being the topper in the session 2008-2009.It should have been given to me on 15 August because all the prizes are distributed on that day after the Independence Day programme.But I came to know that the principal of my school was ill so the prize distribution ceremony was postponed and after that today on 26th October ( today ) I got it.On the certificate it was written-

Certificate Of Merit

This is to certify that "* *" S/o. of Shri "* *" of class * stood second in order of Merit in the Annual Examination 2008-2009.
He is awarded a cash prize of Rs.200
The student is blessed to maintain a high standard in life.

Issued on the date *****

Class Teacher..............................................................Principal......

I was very happy when I got this certificate.Though I stood second but still I was happy with the prize.