- Marvelous
- Excellent
- Very Very Good
- Fantastic
- Fabulous
- Awesome
- Highly exciting
- Extremely Joyful
- Superb
- Magnificent
- Exceptional
- Supreme
- Great
- Outstanding
- Mind Blowing
- A historical trip to a historical place
- Unforgettable
- My temptation
- Splendid
- Brilliant
- Best ever place I have ever visited
- Amazing
- Wonderful
The list I have given here is very small but the actual list if presented on paper ,can go millions of miles long.
After hearing so much about this trip I thought that there must be some reality in their (people who went there ) words.So without thinking a lot ,I quickly gave my name for the next trip to Jabalpur ,Bhedaghat and another place whose name I don't remember.
The trip will start on 31 December 2009 and will be till 5 January 2010.