I would like to share some of the interesting facts which I am writing here-
- The Sun is so bigger than the earth that you can put more than 3300 earths into the sun.
- The MSN Hotmail which is now generally known as MSN Mail was founded by an Indian, Sabeer Bhatia who lived in Chandigarh and studied at Stanford University in the USA.He founded it with Jack Smith in 1995.Hotmail was one of the first email services on the web.
- A mosquito has 47 teeth.(You might already know this.)
- Rhythm is the largest word in English without any vowels.
- The word "Education" has all the vowels i.e. A,E,I,O and U.
- Yahoo was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filow.
- Google was founded in 1997 by two Stanford university graduates- Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
- If you shouted for Eight Years 7 Months and 6 days then too only that much energy will be used up which is used to boil a cup of Coffee.
- Canada is actually an Indian word which means big Village.
- Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com
- Charles Osborne was the person who hiccuped the longest, for nearly 68 years.
- The first pencil made was a bunch of graphite sticks which were held together by a string.
- A blue whale is nearly as long as 3 big buses.
- There are only near about ten thousand Cheetahs left in the world.
- The four major religions found in India- Hinduism, Buddhism ,Jainism and Sikhism are followed by 25 % of the world's population.
There will be many more interesting facts or jokes on tomorrow's post.So keep visiting this site everyday.